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Electrospun nano-fibres for bio inspired composite materials and innovative industrial applications’ -  (MPNS COST Action MP1206)
Coordinator: Dr. Albana Halili

Project aim:

This COST Action is aimed at achieving European scientific/ technological advances and meeting European economic and societal needs in the area of electrospinning of nanofibres. Coordination and networking activity in Europe within the COST countries will have immediate benefits for European basic and applied research, particularly in terms of maintaining and reinforcing its global

role. New international collaborations will be made possible through this Action, which will also allow wide and coordinated access to relevant experimental and analytical facilities. Immediate benefits will result because of shared access to facilities and know-how, especially for research groups or companies operating in smaller countries, in which the availability of facilities and know-how is likely to be more limited.

The COST Action will generate long lasting impact and benefits by providing the following main maximally productive outcomes:

his Project  started on May 2013 and ends on May 2017

More detailed information can be found in⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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