Computer Engineering Department is a partner at the PANBioRA project in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme financed by the EU.
The "Personalised And/or Generalised Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment" (PANBioRA) project is conducted under the Horizon 2020 topic titled "Development of a reliable methodology for better risk management of engineered biomaterials in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and/or Medical Devices".
PANBioRA aims at providing a comprehensive solution for the time- and cost-effective risk assessment of:
It will standardize the evaluation of biomaterials and open the venue for pre-implantation, personalized diagnostics for biomaterial based applications.
PANBioRA will provide a modular platform to assess risks at different aspects and length scales. This comprises antibody response, cytotoxicity/genotoxicity at cell level, systemic and local effects at tissue and connected tissues (organ-on-a-chip) level. Moreover, physicochemical and biomechanical characterization as well as predictive modelling at systems level will complement the system. This will be achieved by connecting testing modules in a structure supported by web-based modelling and risk radar tools together with a biomechanical testing system.
PANBioRA will for the first time, predict the patient specific response to a given biomaterial before its implantation. This measure will allow for the selection of the best suitable material, minimizing side effects and improving health outcomes. It will also accelerate the process of validation of the biocompatibility of new devices by providing an automated, comprehensive process for the parallel assessment of risks at different scales aiding new biomaterial discovery and commercialization.
Horizon 2020 projects belong to the most prestigious family of projects that can be funded by the European Commission. PANBioRA will start on January 01, 2018, and it will have a duration of 48 months. The department that is responsible for the completion of the respective tasks is Computer Engineering Department.
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