In the last two years we have had a gradual increase in the number of enrolment. Considering that we plan to open two new study programs in the next five years we have to maintain available infrastructure and the necessary human resources. We have to at least double the capacity of the labs and also design new labs. This requires both physical space and equipment. In order to support the teaching process we will focus on training junior teaching assistants.
Specific goals for the Theme 1
Goal 1.1. Improve the didactic and research capabilities of the academic staff.
Goal 1.2. In order to increase staff retention, we aim to (i) create a modern and friendly environment that would contribute to a healthier collaboration, (ii) continue the financial support to lecturers that participate in conferences.
Goal 1.3. Offer mentoring programs to junior researchers in order to support their scientific work.
Goal 1.4. Have a larger participation in the internal projects, national projects and international projects.
Measures in order to reach mentions goals under Theme 1.
Measure 1.1. In order to improve the didactic capabilities of our staff we will organize workshops inside the institution. To improve the research capabilities of our staff we aim to involve all the lecturers of our department to mobility programs.